Bộ từ vựng luyện thi Movers Cambridge mới nhất

Gửi bởi Quản trị hệ thống  |  23 Tháng Ba 2022 12:02:00 CH  |  Chủ đề: Chứng chỉ Movers

Tổng hợp 100+ từ vựng luyện thi Mover mới nhất (tiếng anh Cambridge) chuẩn nhất dành cho các bé hoặc các bạn tham khảo để có thể ôn thi tốt hơn, bài viết thêm từ vựng luyện thi movers khi có update mới.



* Vocabulary:

  1. dragon ————————-       14. coat                       —————————–
  2. clown ————————-        15. pirate                     —————————–
  3. curly ————————-        16. monkey                 —————————–
  4. —————- trái chuối          17. —————–         bánh mì sanh-quýt
  5. —————- phía sau         18. —————–         câu chuyện
  6. —————- hòn đảo         19. —————–         khu rừng
  7. —————– mạnh        20. —————–         mặc
  8. —————- anh, em họ         21. —————–         áo len
  9. tail ————————         22. uncle                      —————————–
  10. eat ————————        23. long                       —————————-
  11. tall ————————           24. balloon                  —————————
  12. ——————– gậy đánh bóng           25. ———————– chơi cầu lông
  13. ——————– biển           26.———————–              con voi

* Writing

  1. You wear a ——————– over your clothes.
  2. Your —————— is your Dad’s brother.
  3. Your —————– is your Mum’s sister.
  4. A —————– wears funny clothes.
  5. An elephant has ————– nose.
  6. You have this when it is your birthday. ————–
  7. This animal is brown and has a long tail. —————-
  8. A pirate and his parrot live on this. ——————–
  9. The clown has —————- orange hair.
  10. He is very hungry and he —————- a cake.

* Speaking

  1. Have you got a sister or brother? ———————————————————————————
  2. What are they called? ———————————————————————————
  3. What colour is your hair? ———————————————————————————
  4. Are you tall or short? ———————————————————————————
  5. What are you wearing? ———————————————————————————
  6. What’s your address? ———————————————————————————
  7. Is your hair curly or straight? ———————————————————————————
  8. Do you have an uncle or aunt? ——————————————————————————–
  9. How old is you mum? ——————————————————————————-
  10. What’s your friend’s name? ——————————————————————————-



* Vocabulary

  1. treasure —————————— 15- inside                    ————————-
  2. look like —————————— 16- map                       ————————-
  3. careful —————————— 17- How exciting!       ————————-

4- ———————      cái hồ                                                   18- ——————–     có nghĩa

5- ———————      hòn đá                                                 19- ——————–     cầu vồng

6- ——————–       cái tách                                                20- ——————–     cái chén, tô

7- ——————-        cái quạt                                                21- ——————–     dơ

8- ——————-        máy chụp hình                                     22- ——————–     ngọn núi

9- ——————-        cá heo                                                  23- ——————–     chụp hình

10- ——————-      cái chăn                                               24- ——————–     cái ly

11- ——————-      chuyến dã ngoại                                  25- ——————–     thức

12- ——————-      chạy đi xa                                            26- ——————–     cười

13- bottom                  ————————                              27- top                         ————————-

14- crocodile               ———————–                               28- garden                   ————————

* Writing

  1. You can drink tea out of this. ————————-
  2. You put things in this. ————————-
  3. You use this when you are hot. ————————-
  4. You use this to show you the way. ————————-
  5. It happens when it rains. ————————
  6. You use this to take photo. ————————
  7. You can eat soup in this. ————————-
  8. You put this on your bed. ————————

* Speaking

  1. Where do you go on holiday? ——————————————————————————————-
  2. Who do you go with? ——————————————————————————————
  3. What do you do on holiday? ——————————————————————————————
  4. What do you take on holiday? ——————————————————————————————
  5. How do you get there? ——————————————————————————————
  6. What’s your favourite drink? ——————————————————————————————
  7. What’s your favourite food? —————————————————————————————–
  8. What do you like to eat on a picnic? ——————————————————————————-
  9. Have you got a camera? —————————————————————————————-
  10. Do you like holidays? —————————————————————————————-


* Vocabulary

1– —————————                      đau lưng                      17- ————————            cần câu

2- —————————                      đo nhiệt dộ                  18- ————————-           nhức đầu

3- ————————–                       y tá                              19- ————————-           sách nấu ăn

4- ————————–                       nhức răng                    20- ————————-           cảm

5- ————————-             ho                                21- ————————-           đau dạ dày

6- ————————–                       chơi bóng rổ                22- ————————-           truyện tranh

7- cook                                                ————————      23- watch video                      ——————-

8- earache                                            ————————      24- cycling                              ——————

9- rowing                                             ————————      25- skipping                            ——————

10- tooth – teeth                                 ———————–       26- neck                                  ——————

11- —————————                    cái vai                          27- ————————-           râu hàm

12- ————————–                     đá                                28- ————————-           râu mép

13- —————————                    cái đầu                         29- ————————-           tóc

14- ————————–                     miệng                          30- ————————-           chân

15- ————————-                       bàn chân                      31- ————————-           ngón chân

16- ————————                        ngón tay                      32- ————————-           mặc vào

* Writing

  1. What’s ——————— with you?
  2. He helps people who aren’t well. ——————————-
  3. You go to this place when you aren’t well. ——————————-
  4. She works in a hospital and takes your temperature. ———————-
  5. You have this if your back hurts. ———————-
  6. The doctor ——————– his temperature.
  7. He is —————— the ball across the filed.
  8. The doctor asks him to open his ———————.
  9. Your ——————- are in your mouth.
  10. Your ————– is between your head and your shoulder.

* Speaking

  1. Have you got a toothache? ————————————————————————
  2. Do you like running or jumping? ————————————————————————
  3. Do you like reading comics? ————————————————————————
  4. What’s matter with you? ————————————————————————–
  5. Can you play football? ————————————————————————-
  6. Would you like to be a doctor? ————————————————————————-
  7. Which sport are you good at? ————————————————————————-
  8. Are you good at swimming? ————————————————————————-
  9. Has you dad got a beard? ————————————————————————–
  10. Where are your teeth? ————————————————————————–


* Vocabulary:

  1. ————————- hồ bơi 2. ————————-                      làm bài tập
  2. ————————- luôn luôn 4. ————————-                      con đường
  3. ———————— suy nghĩ 6. ————————                       sai
  4. ———————– trung tâm thể thao 8. ————————                       ối trời ơi
  5. ———————– không bao giờ 10. ————————                     gây ra lỗi
  6. ———————- nóng 12. ———————–                      mệt
  7. ———————– cần 14. ————————                     thỉnh thoảng
  8. ———————- chậm 16. ————————                     luôn luôn
  9. ———————- thường thường 18. ———————–                      thứ hai
  10. ———————- thứ ba 20. ————————                     thứ tư
  11. ——————— thứ năm 22. ————————                     thứ sáu
  12. ——————— thứ bảy 24. ———————–                      chủ nhật
  13. ——————— trượt băng 26. ———————–                      bên ngoài
  14. ——————— bên trong 28. lady                                            ————————-
  15. cinema ————————– 30. buy                                             ————————–
  16. toothbrush ————————— 32. shoulder                                     ————————-
  17. shower ————————– 34. leaves                                         ————————-
  18. grass ————————- 36. neck                                            ————————-
  19. between ————————– 38. arm                                             ————————–
  20. 1st ————————- 40. 2nd                                               ————————–
  21. 3rd ————————- 42. 4th                                               ————————-
  22. 5th ————————- 44. 20th                                             ————————-
  23. 21st ———————— 46. 22nd                                             ————————–
  24. 23rd ———————– 48. 30th                                             ————————–
  25. 31st ———————– 50. 15th                                             ————————–

* Writing

  1. It is between your shoulder and your neck. ————————
  2. You can watch film here. ————————
  3. This animal is big and grey. ————————
  4. You clean your teeth wish this. ————————
  5. You swim in this. ————————-
  6. You wash in this ————————–
  7. You eat this in the morning —————————-
  8. You can watch this on TV. ————————–
  9. It is the first day of a week. ————————–
  10. It is the last day of a week. —————————

* Speaking

  1. How old are you? ———————————————————————————
  2. When’s your birthday? ———————————————————————————
  3. What do you like doing on your birthday? ———————————————————————————
  4. What do you like watching on TV? ———————————————————————————
  5. What is your favourite film? ———————————————————————————
  6. What did you do last night? ———————————————————————————
  7. Where did you go last summer? ———————————————————————————
  8. Where’s your shoulder? ——————————————————————————–
  9. What do you use to clean your teeth? ——————————————————————————-
  10. What do you eat for breakfast? ——————————————————————————-
  11. How often do you go to the cinema? ——————————————————————————-
  12. Which animal do you like most? ——————————————————————————-
  13. What do you do after school? ——————————————————————————-
  14. When did you go to bed yesterday? ——————————————————————————-
  15. What time did you go to school yesterday?——————————————————————————-


* Vocabulary

  1. ———————– kỳ nghỉ 2. ————————                    gió / có gió
  2. ———————- không tệ 4. ————————                    đi dạo
  3. ——————— mây / có mây 6. ————————                    mưa / có mưa
  4. ——————– đi lạc 8. ————————                    đi về nhà
  5. ——————— cảnh sát 10. ———————–                   khủng khiếp
  6. ——————— tìm kiếm 12. ———————–                   dưới ánh nắng
  7. ——————– nằm 14. ———————–                   cửa trước
  8. ——————— nắng 16. ———————–                   có nắng
  9. ——————— thành phố 18. ———————–                   trái cây
  10. ——————– cái hồ 20. ————————-                 tuyết
  11. ——————– có tuyết 22. ————————-                 chèo thuyền
  12. ——————- đi vòng quanh 24. ————————-                 đi dọc theo
  13. scarf ————————- 26. cold                                         —————————-
  14. comic ————————- 28. garden                                     —————————
  15. the sun ————————- 30. stairs                                        —————————
  16. never mind ———————— 32. drop                                         —————————-
  17. light ———————— 34. quiet                                        —————————-
  18. dark ———————— 36. see                                           —————————
  19. puppy ———————— 38. forget                                      —————————-
  20. dry ———————— 40. wet                                          —————————-

Viết hình thức quá khứ cho các động từ sau:

  1. see ————————         42. buy                                          —————————-
  2. forget ———————— 44. go                                            —————————-
  3. am / is ———————— 46. are                                           —————————-
  4. say ———————— 48. get                                           —————————-
  5. have ———————— 50. sit                                            —————————-
  6. take ———————— 52. catch                                        —————————-
  7. find ———————–

* Writing

  1. This is when you are not at school or at work. ———————————–
  2. These are your mum or dad’s parents ————————————
  3. This is the day before today. ———————————–
  4. This is white and very cold. ———————————–
  5. When it rain there’s a lot of this. ———————————–
  6. You can climb up these. ———————————–
  7. You dry yourself with this. ————————————
  8. This can fly in the sky. ————————————
  9. This is yellow and very hot. ————————————
  10. This make the kite fly. ————————————

* Speaking

  1. How often do you go on holiday? ——————————————————————————————-
  2. How often do you go for a walk? ——————————————————————————————
  3. Did it rain yesterday? ——————————————————————————————
  4. What’s the weather like today? ——————————————————————————————
  5. What was the weather like yesterday?————————————————————————————-
  6. Did you have a good holiday? ——————————————————————————————
  7. Did you go on holiday last year? —————————————————————————————–
  8. Where did you go? —————————————————————————————
  9. What did you do? —————————————————————————————-
  10. Who did you go with? —————————————————————————————-


* Vocabulary

  1. tired ———————–   2. hungry                                 ————————-
  2. lion ———————–   4. panda                                  ————————-
  3. inside ———————–   6. outside                                ————————-
  4. shark ————————   8. whale                                   ————————
  5. dolphin ———————–  10. clever                                 ————————-
  6. talk ———————–    12. language                            ————————-
  7. funny ————————     14. giraffe                               ————————-
  8. flies ———————-      16. wing                                  ————————-
  9. interesting ————————-     18. at night                              ————————-
  10. bat ————————      20. hear                                   ————————-
  11. ———————– nhảy     22. ————————-           con voi
  12. ———————- đi bộ     24. ————————-           cao
  13. ——————– trái cây     26. ————————-           buồn cười
  14. ——————– con gấu      28. ————————            đẹp
  15. ——————— khát nước      30. ————————            chuồng thú
  16. ——————— nhanh      32. ————————            lớn (âm thanh)
  17. ——————– người trong coi sở thú      34. ————————            hát
  18. ——————– mập        36. ————————            dài
  19. ——————- câu chuyện       38. ———————–             cây tre, trúc
  20. ——————– con vịt        40. ———————–             con gà

* Writing

  1. Bats eat these. ——————————–
  2. Bats do this in the day. ——————————–
  3. Bats have two of these. ———————————
  4. The monkeys eat these. ——————————–
  5. Animals live in these in the zoo. ———————————
  6. This bird can talk. ———————————
  7. This animal is the cleverest in the water. ———————————-
  8. This animal is black and white. ———————————
  9. Pandas usually eat this. ——————————–
  10. This animal can jump very high. ———————————

* Speaking

  1. Can you draw a lion / dolphin / monkey …? ————————————————————————
  2. Can you run faster than a rbbit? ————————————————————————
  3. Can you swim? ————————————————————————
  4. Do you like zoos? ————————————————————————
  5. Do you like having a pet at home? ————————————————————————-
  6. Which pet do you like best? ————————————————————————-
  7. Which animal do you like best? ————————————————————————-
  8. What’s your favourite animal? ————————————————————————-
  9. Have you got any pets? ————————————————————————–
  10. Do you like going to the zoos? ————————————————————————–


* Vocabulary:

– loud                           ————————-                 – loudly                        —————————–

– dinosaur                    ————————-                 – go downstairs           —————————–

– go upstairs                 ————————-                 – basement                   —————————–

– —————-              thang máy                               – —————– tìm kiếm

– —————-              khát nước                                – —————– ly trà

– —————-              ngân hàng                                – —————– đối diện

– —————– tầng (nhà)                                – —————– trạm xe buýt

– —————-              siêu thị                                     – —————– thư viện

– cinema                       ————————                  – cafe                           —————————–

– trolley                        ————————                  – pram                          —————————-

– pasta                          ————————                  – present                      —————————

– ——————–         đón xe buýt                             – ———————–     trưởng thành, lớn lên

– ——————–         người lớn                                – ———————–     tài xế xe buýt

– ——————–         tầng trệt                                   – ———————–     rau trộn

– ——————–         phô mai                                   – ———————-      đói bụng

* Writing

  1. You can walk upstairs or you can take a —————————
  2. You go ———————- to get from the top floor to the basement.
  3. You need a drink when you feel ———————
  4. You can drink ———————- out of a cup.
  5. This is you son/daughter’s son ——————————
  6. This is your son/daughter’s daughter ——————————-
  7. These are your mum and dad ——————————

* Speaking

  1. How many supermarkets are there in your town? ————————————————————–
  2. Do you sometimes go to the supermarket? ————————————————————–
  3. Do you go by bus? ————————————————————–
  4. Do you like going to the supermarket? ————————————————————-
  5. Where can you buy food? —————————————————————-6. What kind of books do you like? ———————————————————-
  6. How many floors are there in your library? ———————————————————
  7. Do you usually go to the library? ———————————————————
  8. Is there a lift in your library? ——————————————————–
  9. Is there a bus station in your town? ———————————————————


* Vocabulary

– over there                  ——————————                       – in the countryside     ————————-

– field                          ——————————                       – don’t worry               ————————-

– quiet                          ——————————                       – quick / quickly          ————————-

– hear                           ————————                              – grass                          ————————-

– ———————        sợ                                                        – ——————–         ngôi làng

– ———————        con đường                                           – ——————–         bận rộn

– ——————–         dừng lại                                               – ——————–         nổi tiếng

– ——————–         cái đuôi                                                – ——————–         tròn

– ——————–         ban công                                              – ——————–         đếm

– ——————–         lớn (âm thanh)

* Writing

  1. This place is smaller than a city and a town ————————-
  2. You have this when you sit on a blanket and eat outside ————————-
  3. This animal has a round tail and can run and jump. ————————-
  4. This person lives in the country and works on a farm ————————-

* Speaking

  1. Do you live in a town or the countryside? ——————————————————————————–
  2. Do you like the countryside? ——————————————————————————-
  3. Are you good at climbing trees? ——————————————————————————
  4. Are you good at swimming / playing football? ———————————————————————
  5. Do you like animals? ———————————————————————
  6. Are you afraid of cows? ——————————————————————–
  7. Do you sometimes go to the city / countryside? ———————————————————————
  8. Do you like going on a bus? ———————————————————————


* Vocabulary

– —————————                        sân chơi                       – ————————-               trốn

– ————————–             cười lớn                       – ————————-               tìm kiếm

– ————————–             thức giấc                     – ————————-               giờ ăn trưa

– ————————-                           giờ chơi                       – ————————-               nhảy dây

– ————————–             mơ                               – ————————-               xe nôi

– carry                                                  ————————      – skates                                    ———————–

– slow                                                  ————————      – fast                                        ———————–

– careful                                               ————————      – carefully                                ———————–

– hurt                                                   ———————–       – easy                                       ————————

– —————————                        khó                              – ————————-               chán

– ————————–             sợi dây                                    – ————————-               nhảy lò cò

– —————————                        khóc                            – ————————-               cuộc đua

– ————————–             tháo ra, cởi ra              – ————————-               thú vị, phấn khởi

– ————————-                           bảng chữ cái                – ————————-               hoạt động

* Writing

  1. This is jumping with a rope ——————————-
  2. You can do this to music. ——————————-
  3. You do this on one leg. ——————————-

* Speaking

  1. Do you play games in the playground? ————————————————————————
  2. Which game do you play? ————————————————————————
  3. Do you have trees in your playground? ————————————————————————
  4. Can you count to a hundred in English? ————————————————————————
  5. Who do you play with at school? ————————————————————————-
  6. Do you sometimes go swimming? ————————————————————————-
  7. Which sport do you like? ————————————————————————-
  8. Do you sometimes dream when you are sleeping? ————————————————————————-


* Vocabulary:

– grocer                           —————————                 – butcher                                     – ———————-

– greengrocer                  —————————                 – newsagent                                ———————–

– bakers                           —————————                 – full                                           ————————

– empty                           —————————                 – paper                                        ———————–

– answer                          ————————–                   – question                                   ———————–

– pyjamas                        ————————–                   – could                                        ———————–

– cry                                ————————-

* Writing

  1. These are the days at the end of the week. ————————
  2. This is the opposite of ‘old’ ————————
  3. This is the day before today ————————
  4. This is the day after today ————————

* Speaking

  1. Do you have a computer ———————————————————————
  2. Do you like playing computer games? ——————————————————————–
  3. What do you do in the evening? ——————————————————————–
  4. Do you have DVDs or video? ——————————————————————–
  5. Do you like going to bed? ——————————————————————–
  6. Have you got a computer at home? ———————————————————————————
  7. What do you use computer for? ———————————————————————————
  8. Do you write emails? ——————————————————————————–
  9. Do you ever go to the library? ——————————————————————————-
  10. Do you think computers are good for you? ———————————————————————

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